Monday, May 7, 2007

Check him out on Dateline soon!

Aaahhh, it's good to be home. Well, other than the control issues with the parents, the cleaning of my entire house, the menial chores, and all the other shit that you loose from coming back from college. Anyway, I'm just happy I can start posting again. Man, last night was a blast for me, because I finally got to play onstage with one of my favorite local bands Money $hot, who are a bunch of great guys. If anyone knows about them, or would like to know more, visit their myspace page, and get the word out. Alright, to the comic. Today's comic shows a jovial man geting ready for his favorite organization: Yeah, that's the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Pretty much the union for pedophiles. And, yes, they do exist:

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